Some colors turn off buyers, and others are just what they are looking for. Stagers say that neutral colors are what sell homes. That used to mean beige or off white. However, todays neutrals include many shades of light grey, light blues, light greens and pale yellows. Some buyers will pass up a perfectly good house because they don’t like the colors. What don’t they like?

White—it reminds them of an apartment and now that they are ready to own their own home they want to move beyond apartment white.

Red or dark colored dining rooms. This was the trend a few years ago but it has limited appeal and the buyers are mentally thinking about how many coats it will take to cover it. Dark, bold colors also make a room look smaller.

Pink—unless it is in a child’s bedroom. I once had a buyer refer to a room as “Pepto Barbie Pink”.

While pale shades of sage green are attractive, lime green is a turn off.

Blues are great for bedrooms (except very dark blues), but they aren’t a great choice for kitchens or dining rooms unless it is a pale blue/grey shade.

Painted woodwork should be white or cream. Use good quality paint. For walls, choose a neutral shade and a flat finish. Shiny paint shows every flaw. Save the bright colors for pillows, accessories, and bed linens.

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