Winter storms come with frequent power outages. Some items that should be in every house

  • Water: at least 1 gallon per person per day for drinking, hygiene, and food preparation
  • Food: a 3-day supply of nonperishable foods that do not require cooking like peanut butter,
  • nuts, canned meat, vegetables/fruit
  • Life sustaining medications: have an extra 7 day supply
  • Don’t forget pets: they need food, water, leashes, toys
  • First aid kit and extra blankets
  • Battery operated radio; flashlights and extra batteries
  • Cash: ATMs or credit cards may not work if no power
  • Cell phones and chargers: even if no cell service they can call 911
  • Duct tape; heavy duty trash bags; face masks; pipe wrench, a multipurpose tool with pliers,
  • knife; garbage bags and ties; paper towels
  • Manual can opener; paper plates and cups
  • Matches in waterproof containers
  • Unscented household chlorine bleach can purify water
  • Important documents: in a waterproof container
  • Sanitation, personal hygiene items: including wipes
  • TEDDY BEAR!!!!
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